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Illinois Senate and House pass a bill to prevent book bans



SPRINGFIELD – The Illinois House and Senate yesterday passed a bill to prevent book banning, the first in the nation. The bill, which awaits the Governor’s signature, allows the Secretary of State’s Office to authorize grants only to libraries that adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights. That states that reading materials should not be removed or restricted because of partisan or personal disapproval, or that issue a statement prohibiting the practice of banning books or resources. Last year, grants were awarded to 1,631 Illinois libraries totaling more than $62 million.

“The concept of banning books contradicts the very essence of what our country stands for,” said Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias. “It also defies what education is all about teaching our children to think for themselves. This landmark legislation is a triumph for our democracy, a win for First Amendment Rights, and a great victory for future generations.”

If signed into law, HB 2789 would take effect on January 1, 2024.

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