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Nancy Drew’s Boyfriend: Exploring the Romantic Relationships in The CW’s Hit Series

The CW’s adaptation of Nancy Drew brought the iconic sleuth into a modern and paranormal setting, introducing fresh relationships and dynamics that captivated audiences. While fans were initially hesitant about the new take on the classic series, the show has successfully

created compelling characters and complex romantic storylines that stand out in the world of mystery and intrigue. This blog explores the notable romantic relationships in the series, from the much-talked-about pairing of Nancy Drew and Ace to the surprises that came with George and Ryan’s controversial relationship.

The Evolution of Relationships in Nancy Drew

The Nancy Drew series stands apart from its source material by reimagining the romantic lives of its characters. The showrunners have crafted relationships that feel authentic, with a focus on chemistry, growth, and emotional depth. Rather than sticking strictly to the original canon, the show isn’t afraid to shake things up, leading to some unexpected but memorable romantic moments.

George and Ryan: A Controversial Pairing

One of the most unexpected and controversial relationships in the series is between George and Ryan. George Fan, just 18 years old, becomes romantically involved with Ryan Hudson, a married man over 15 years her senior. The power imbalance in their relationship is obvious, and the show doesn’t shy away from depicting it as problematic.

Ryan is later revealed to be Nancy Drew’s biological father, which adds another layer of complexity to his relationship with George. Eventually, George confronts Ryan for taking advantage of her, marking an empowering moment for her character as she begins to reclaim control over her life and the trauma she has experienced. The show’s decision to address this relationship head-on allowed it to develop George’s character beyond the initial shock value.

Nancy and Gil: A One-Sided Affair

Nancy’s brief relationship with Gil Bobbsey feels more like a subplot rather than a fully developed romance. Gil, while portrayed brilliantly by Praneet Akilla, isn’t a character that audiences are encouraged to root for. Controlling and often unpredictable, Gil is more interested in solving mysteries than building an emotional connection with Nancy. Their relationship seems to lack the depth needed to resonate with viewers, and many are relieved that it never blossoms into something serious.

Nancy’s lack of emotional investment in Gil is clear from the start, and their relationship revolves primarily around physical attraction. Gil’s dangerous nature and questionable choices, including his willingness to let George die for the sake of a mystery, further reinforce that he is not a good match for Nancy.

Ace and Laura: A Romance That Fizzled Out

Ace, one of the most beloved characters in the series, has a romantic history that caught fans off-guard. His brief relationship with Laura Tandy, introduced when she arrives in town for her sister’s funeral, was unexpected. While it’s revealed that they dated in the past, the relationship lacked the emotional build-up necessary for viewers to become invested.

The lack of chemistry between Ace and Laura made it difficult for fans to care about their relationship, which ended almost as abruptly as it started. It was clear from the beginning that this pairing was more of a plot device than a meaningful relationship for either character.

Nancy and Nick: A Strained Dynamic

Nancy and Nick’s relationship was one of the central romantic storylines in the early seasons, but it quickly became clear that the two were not meant to last. Both characters, while strong as individuals, struggled to make their romance work. Their differences, especially in communication styles and personal goals, led to constant tension and misunderstandings.

Many fans found their dynamic exhausting to watch, as the drama between Nancy and Nick often overshadowed other elements of the show. Despite the writers’ initial attempt to pay homage to their romance from the original Nancy Drew books, it became evident that the two lacked the chemistry needed to keep their relationship alive onscreen. Ultimately, their breakup was a relief for viewers who felt the couple only brought out the worst in each other.

Ace and Amanda: A Relationship in Fast-Forward

Ace’s relationship with Amanda Bobbsey, Gil’s sister, took off at lightning speed. The couple skipped the usual “getting to know each other” phase and jumped straight into a serious relationship. While Ace and Amanda’s romance moved quickly, it never felt fully developed.

Amanda soon realizes that Ace has a deep connection with Nancy, and this revelation marks the beginning of the end for their relationship. Amanda was never meant to be Ace’s long-term love interest, and her role in the show felt more like a temporary obstacle to the slow-burn romance developing between Ace and Nancy.

Owen and Nancy: Passion Without Depth

Owen Marvin, a wealthy philanthropist, shared undeniable chemistry with Nancy Drew, but their relationship was built on superficial attraction rather than genuine emotional connection. The age difference between them added to the complications, and while Nancy cared for Owen, it was clear that she used him as a way to escape the chaos of her daily life.

Owen’s tragic death was a turning point for Nancy, but her heartbreak didn’t linger long, further emphasizing the surface-level nature of their relationship. While Owen’s presence in the series was significant, his romance with Nancy never had the depth to make a lasting impact.

Bess and Odette: A Supernatural Love Story

The romance between Bess and Odette was one of the most unexpected and supernatural relationships in the series. Odette, once the ghostly Aglaeca who tried to kill the Drew Crew, takes up residence in George’s body. Despite this bizarre circumstance, Bess and Odette form a deep bond.

The two quickly develop feelings for each other, even writing love notes during the times when George is in control of her body. However, Bess refuses to let their relationship progress further as long as Odette remains in George’s body, making their love story one of longing and heartbreak. The concept of star-crossed lovers takes on a new meaning with this paranormal twist.

Nancy and Ace: The Perfect Slow Burn

Among all the relationships in Nancy Drew, the romance between Nancy and Ace stands out as the most compelling. Their slow-burn relationship has been carefully developed over the course of the show, with the writers taking time to build a strong foundation of friendship and trust.

Unlike Nancy’s previous relationships, her connection with Ace feels organic and deeply emotional. Fans have been waiting eagerly for the two to acknowledge their feelings, and the subtle hints throughout the seasons suggest that their romance is inevitable. The chemistry between Nancy and Ace is undeniable, and viewers can’t wait to see where this relationship goes in future episodes.


The Nancy Drew series has given fans a fresh take on the romantic relationships of its characters, with each pairing bringing something unique to the story. From controversial and inappropriate relationships like George and Ryan’s to the slow-burn perfection of Nancy and Ace, the show has kept audiences on the edge of their seats. While some relationships may not have worked out, they’ve all contributed to the character growth and emotional complexity that makes Nancy Drew so engaging.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Who is Nancy Drew’s boyfriend in the series?

While Nancy has had several romantic interests, her strongest connection appears to be with Ace, though their relationship is a slow burn.
2. Did Nancy and Nick date in the show?

Yes, Nancy and Nick had a relationship early in the series, but they eventually broke up due to their differences and lack of chemistry.
3. What happened between George and Ryan?

George and Ryan had an inappropriate relationship when George was 18, but she eventually stood up to him and ended it.
4. Is Ace in a relationship with Amanda?

Ace and Amanda were briefly in a relationship, but it ended when Amanda noticed Ace’s deeper connection with Nancy.
5. Are Bess and Odette together?

Bess and Odette have feelings for each other, but their relationship remains complicated due to Odette residing in George’s body.

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