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Monday - Sunday: 10a-3p

Mon - Fri: 03:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Mon - Fri: 07:00 PM - 10:00 PM

Mon - Sun: 12a-6a
Breakfast will be served from 7AM-12PM @ Grandpa’s Farm Mendota Airport
$8 for adults
$5 for children
Children under 5 are free
Menu Includes:
Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Juice, Coffee and Milk. We will also have Plane Rides, Helicopter Rides and Aircraft Displays!
This year will be hosting a 5K Fun Run and Walk
Race Time: 7:00 am, check in at 6:30 am.
Early Registration(Ends May 17, 2019) $25.00
Day of Race Registration (May 17-May 26) $30.00
Shirts are guaranteed for participants who pre-register.
To register stop by the MACC 800 Washington Street or call 815.539.6507
Proceeds Benefit: Mendota’s 4th of July Celebration & MACC