DIXON – Lee County officials and contracts opened the doors to a brand new jail facility to show members of the media what they’ve been working on since August of last year. Superintendant Jack Skrogstand and Sheriff John Simonton, led the way through the new facility located on 240 E Progress Drive in Dixon, almost triple the size of the former county jail built in 1966. Skogstad who’s been on the force since 89′ says the upgrade has been needed for over a decade. The new $19 million jail facility is not only spacious, but comes with technology upgrades. The county now offers jail cells that supports cpaps and other breathing mechanisms for inmates.
Stronger security like 10 inch thick concrete ceilings and walls for cells blocks and balconies in the housing unit caged to the ceiling to avoid accidents. A video arraignment provided for more inmates will avoid the risks and expense of transportation back and forth between the jailhouse and courtroom. The new jail will be able to house around 80 inmates, versus the maximum at the former jail of 42. Currently, the county is holding 24 inmates. Skrogstad predicts up to 45 inmates by December.
The former jail will be temporarily used as a holding facility. Sheriff’s Simonton says the jail will be open for a public tour on October 1st. The jail is predicted to be up and running by November.
Superintendent Jack Srogstad shows one of the jail’s housing units. The gated balcony that extends up to the ceiling will prevent any kinds of accidents and ultimately better security.
Birds eye view from a watch window on the second floor. The window is situated so inmates view is obstructed from seeing jail staff.
This new feature will provide a space for various meetings like church sermons, AA meeting or GED classes.
This area is designated for officers during processing. Eventually the room will be caged off completely for more protection.
A new feature at the jail facility. The heart and soul of housing. A pipe room controls heating, cooling water and flow.
Jail cell
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